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Friday, 1 August 2014

5 Dating Tips For Introverts | World of Psychology

5 Dating Tips For Introverts | World of Psychology

17 Ways Mindfulness Meditation Can Cause You Emotional Harm

17 Ways Mindfulness Meditation
Can Cause You Emotional Harm

by Melissa Karnaze
Approach mindfulness meditation with cautionMindfulness meditation is not a fad, say journalists, celebrities, psychologists, and even transhumanists.
But what writers, researchers, clinicians, teachers, and practitioners won’t tell you.
Is that there are seventeen hidden dangers of practicing mindfulness meditation.
When you’re not being mindful of how you’re treating your negative emotions. Read more

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Insomnia can kill. I hope this isn't me (no sleep for 11 months)

insomnia 2 green alien face

Picture 'Humanoid' by Irina Pechkareva 

Elizabeth Lucye Robillard writes: 'My insomnia was triggered by extreme trauma. I hope that it hasn't damaged my brain enough to kill me. I don't fancy going to hospital to have them prodding me about, it's not like they can do any good. Still, this sort of insomnia IS terrifying. Nobody believes it and they think it's as easy as 'switching off'. They can't imagine it, as they've never experienced it. It's very strange. You feel tired but you don't sleep. You can 'drift' into daydreaming and relaxation even but - still, the sleep never comes. I've written to the doctors and told the support workers, but they just ignore you. It's very distressing but you can't be distressed these days, without our 103 BILLION pound per annum, psychiatric industry, locking you up in a hell hole like St.Charles (R.I.P Natalie)' I hope it doesn't kill me, but if it does, well, thanks for the internet anyway world. It was good. meantime, there's more about fatal insomnia here

Psychology and Psychopathy - Podcast

Dr Minna Lyon's work on Evolutionary Psychology and Psychopathy

Mental Health Apps and Reviews

Mental Health Apps and Reviews

OCD - new thoughts? You decide - podcast

New thinking on OCD - you decide - Podcast

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

There’s No Such Thing as an Adverse Childhood | Peace, Love and Childhood Adversity

There’s No Such Thing as an Adverse Childhood | Peace, Love and Childhood Adversity

Mice Study Finds Brain Marker that Identifies Risk for Stress-Related Problems | Psych Central News

Mice Study Finds Brain Marker that Identifies Risk for Stress-Related Problems | Psych Central News

How to Respond to Insensitive Remarks about Mental Illness | World of Psychology

How to Respond to Insensitive Remarks about Mental Illness | World of Psychology good advice

Matt Johnson (author, ex police & services) reveals how his PTSD came about

Bacon Treats Depression - New Study

Bacon can cure depression, says  new study

 'While diet and exercise alone are often not enough to fully treat mental health issues, these lifestyle habits may help maintain mental health.

For instance, the NAMI website reports that the University of Maryland Medical Center found regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids can help with treatment and prevention of issues such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and ADHD'  Taking omega-3 supplements – maybe as well as medication – could  improve symptoms of depression. - omega 3 can be found in bacon, fish, spinach, dandelion and other plants

New Technology in Mental Health (kinda exciting)


Like most areas of health care, mental health has experienced its share of advances and changes over the years thanks to technology, medical research, new health care laws and the advent of new medications.
From the introduction of Prozac in the late ’80s to the passage of health care reform that eliminates mental health as a pre-existing condition to the release of apps that can help people manage their condition, the field has come a long way over time.
Here’s a look at some of what’s new in mental health.(mind the pop ups!)  read more

The Mindfreedom Ireland Documentary. Psychiatry Today

George Washington Inspires kids today

'A moral story that praises a character’s honesty is more effective at getting young children to tell the truth than a story that emphasizes the negative repercussions of lying, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Read more  

Psychiatry, Crime, Liberty

Statue of Liberty Kissing a muse - titled 'liberty and justice'

We all have, in numerous spectrum's - anger, resentments, grudges and our own family dynamics and methodology - but psychiatry can come in handy when these methods fail us. However, they dun wrong.  A bit too late with the CBT and 'wellness' centres when they could be explaining the dynamics of your problems and guiding you with the ABC method of behaviourism from infancy, ensuring that it's you, the only person who can change things, working your problems out, without dangerous drugs or restraints and eternal (sometimes terminal) depression that can kill/become a habitual IDENTITY by lengthening it unnecessarily. (*Some TA can be useful (two yrs experience here)but when the 'eternal' parent/adult/child bit kicks in, you think ''more BS then'') )

 As psychiatry often shows us, in psychiatric hospitals, it's about a chemical kybosh rather than maintenance or cure. They don't claim to cure anyone, psychiatry is about labels and drugs now, Freud died a long time ago ya know.

 You can see the blind-faithers all over the web yearning for 'talking therapy' when they clearly want rescuing from themselves. How do we rescue them? Don't feed the depression, don't  react to the reactionaries, but always ensure you've tested for food intolerance, bad diet, addiction and marital/child abuse. There's a lot of lovely people who never reach their potential due to oppressive partners, tradition and old habits. Take the pressure off but for gawds sake, give them homework. Sufficient online help and support by way of apps, chat rooms and collaboration (with certification, token economy still works) is the future and to deny that, is to be a nasty god, not a dinosaur. Loneliness and isolation is a social problem, solved with proper online interaction.

Get the world online, and ensure the ill aren't really criminals, as lead-swingers make it very bad for genuine welfare claimants. NPD's get scared too though, I guess that's a DWP brief? Hope so.  Damping down reactions though, doesn't remove the problem, and drugging has to be kept as a last resort? I can certainly see the problems, but we need to teach philosophy and the value of respect for peers in junior schools, from toddler hood. We also need to ensure that little kids of NPD parents have a proper voice. They may never develop sufficient  EQ or IQ and cause illiberalism or be a general danger to society, along with possibly becoming powerful and influential. Ensure they're aware that you know of the benefit skiving and lying and you also need to show them why they're doing it. They may be carrying huge unresolved injustice and horror. Victims of crime or other social injustice, need legal support, something failing us in the UK at the moment.  Trying to defend yourself legally, whilst suffering trauma, can be far too much for a human being, resulting in vexatious complaints, paradigm shifts with a negative stilt and maybe even suicide. There'll always be the special one, that one in a hundred thousand, too special to be understood, who's too daft to get it. Be thankful you're not one of them and encourage the 'left brain' exercises. Compassion is best when formed by a good, impartial, high-court judge.

Gnome Tolle

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

PTSD - our Book of the month

Police Car by Tower Bridge, in London, England

Our friend Matt Johnson has a wonderful book entitled 'Wicked Game' it's addictive and enlightening and isn't just about his experience, but a great story. It's SAS type action but set in London's Met Police. Matts blog is also very informative for others suffering PTSD and other trauma disorders too.  The book's a bargain, get it, do yourself a favour (we're looking forward to the next one Matt, well done sir)

Left Brained or Right Brained - Why It's STILL important to know


painting by 'The Maters Apprenitce' at deviantart.com

Although the theory that some parts of the brain are more inclined to one way of thinking, the idea has been largely discredited although, some parts of the brain work in different ways, we wonder where the depression bit is? And if you plan on having kids and want to have healthy children you need to resolve your fears urgently, according to this new study about mothers transferring fear to their babies (would explain one reason I suffer emetophobia, my mother was somewhat emetophobic but not as acutely as me) Your 'left brain' (or logic/dull side) may well be working differently in some places ( the powers that be, know sod-all sometimes). However: the fact that your creative side ('right-brain' is probably overactive (especially when stressed) seems to be hidden from view, which is wrong, as catasrophizing (that can be pretty creative) makes illness much worse. Hormones released (HPA axis is a big element in the generation of panic) during stress are responsive to your thoughts. It nay take a while, but depression and panic always passes once you're thinking right, so, we have to work on this diligently to balance the left and right 'brain' (that thing between your ears). Art ('right-brained') is a natural therapy for the ill. So cock a snook at the so and so's and big up your practical problem-solving skills with the new app, Brain Yoga. I've tried it and was shocked to find how creative I've been (!) and needed to have problem solving games set to 'One' (am far too Right-brained) So fear not.  Do as the good people tell you, exercise the brain daily. Here are some fun anagrams (app). Do these exercises every day. Be arty too (links)

Try also, learning about NPD and cluster B personality (free book) as these traits can affect everyone. One of the symptoms, is to 'blame' anyone/everything, when, with improved patience, we find, that things going wrong, are actually, usually our own doing.

 "Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do." 
— Volataire  *we wish

Learning about your personality type (rather than your 'disorder')  (professional test) could also help your future job and love prospects.

Elizabeth Lucye Robillard

Chat Room Support - Mental Health

Chat rooms are happening - lots of help at Elefriends and Support Groups (like Twitter but for when you're ill) Elefriends is good for urgent problems, Support Groups is good for unique health and social problems, don't be lonely.

Psychology is wrong sometimes

Is It Offensive To Declare A Social Psychological Claim Or Conclusion Wrong?

By Lee Jussim

Science is about “getting it right” – this is so obvious that it should go without saying. However, there are many obstacles to doing so, some relatively benign (an honestly conducted study produces a quirky result), others less so (p-hacking). Over the last few years, the focus on practices that lead us astray have focused primarily on issues of statistics, methods, and replication. read more

Mental Health Help - Phobic Reaction, Diet

Everyone can suffer from phobic reactions, even some professional shrinks (my experience) Some phobias can be cured or modified using repeated exposure, until desensitised to the feared thing. Other phobias, social phobias like Emetopobia, cannot be treated like that successfully (not usually) as it would mean making someone very ill indeed over a long period of time, so it isn't practical at all.

  Emetophobia is often linked to Anorexia, Anorexia and bulimia are often NPD but not always.

In order to help identify your unique and deep seated problems (usually the root cause of your trauma-reaction) we need first address general anxiety and our reactions to things. How you react generally is worth noting as not understanding your reactions, can make panic attacks and anger much worse when left unchecked. Keeping a notebook or diary (I use a notepad program on a computer) handy and jotting down all reaction, helps identify triggering thoughts and other things that release unwanted stress hormones that cause panic attacks or psychosis.

Always work on increasing your patience and testing yourself to see if your impulses are angry, sad or physical.  Label each reaction as one or a combination, in order to successfully identify the causes, do this for one month. This also helps with clarifying your thinking. *Not all reaction is bad/wrong, you just need to learn to modify reactions to suit you better.

If you hop from one therapy to the next and it isn't helping, it's likely you need to take an online course in  Nutrition and/ Psychology/CBT. Food intolerance recognition is still in its infancy, so to ensure you're getting the right treatment for you, be sure to rule it out as well as B12 deficiency (use probiotics anyway, these can be tailored to suit your needs, fortified foods, plain yogurt and pickles every day for 90 days will usually help, as will adding dark leafy greens to sandwiches and using brown instead of white bread, and eating a little dark chocolate every day - try this for a few months) Eat as though diabetic, as sugar-spikes can trigger anxiety. White sugar sucks, but other sugars are OK if kept to a minimum and eaten with protein. I've heard the argument that all carbs turn to sugar but white sugar can cause havoc in sensitive immune systems. Grind your own nuts (I use a meat grinder, works for carrots too, cheaper than a mixer and you can eat the person you hate after the murder (joke)) and sprinkle on oats with Cinnamon (blood sugar stabiliser, potent antioxidant) and dried fruits for a snack that will keep you calmer for longer.

If you fall off your plan for a while, never worry, just start again.  (It took me three goes to quit smoking years ago)

There are dozens of great, not-too-tricky psychology courses online (some free) 

There is a free, professional audio MP3 to help with panic attacks here (select 'First Aid for Panic')

Elizabeth Lucy Robillard

Personality Disorder Clothing

This new range for mental health adornment has come as a welcome relief to the anti stigma campaigns Personality Disorder Clothing

Nutshell Philosophy from Tolle, Chopra, Bobby Womack (R.I.P)

Gnome Tolle writes (with Jim Carrey and Chopra)

ensure your plastic surgeon holds no childhood resentments #philosophy #Showbiz

don't talk to weird people you don't know, your parents would have wanted you to know this, had they been decent scum #mindfulness

consider that scum are just like you but learn the trade of BS in a different way #business #mindfulness #HumanRights

b cool. Just don't overdo it, K? #mindfulness

drugs are much better quality and thus less able to harm you when you are rich #philosophy

'meh' has a spectrum: disinterested to fearful 78% #philosophy #mindfulness

prod prod prod prod prod prod - see? Nothing to see here #philosophy

calm down, breathe slowly - this is science #mindfulness

crime and mindfulness, it is truth transcended #mindful FULL

come on the leftie scum, you are doing good today - 'mind full' love, give me your money now

don't spread evil rumours without priming with quality bung #philosophy

breathe before everything you do, stupid nice person (bucks now?) #mindfulness

the main mind and the full NESS of the said mind #ting

more than miffed, mindful of miffery is good

'Stop leaving: you will arrive. Stop running: you will be found. Stop paying: you will find your kneecaps realigned instead of your chakras'. Dbag Chopra

Don't worry, it won't help Jim Carrey (from 'Don't worry, it won't HEP' Bobby Womack )