What is gang-stalking (mobbing or mob-stalking
are common related terms)? It is a popular expression coined for the
support role that organized groups play in the 24-hour harassment of
victims of psychological abuse. They may be moved into apartments or
homes that adjoin the victim, drive in traffic surrounding the victim,
or be in close proximity to the victim in other roles in his daily
routine. Generally, they provide the non-stop pattern of small, cruel
abuses designed as part of a larger scheme of psychological torture.
Typically, they are managed by higher level covert organizations
providing expertise, funding, technology and oversight (including
through-the-wall surveillance and torture technology). These are lowest
level of individuals in this hierarchy of abusers, and appear to be
recruited from military and community policing organizations.
Are you are a participant in gang-stalking? Do you consider yourself a
Christian? Perhaps you are Catholic, Protestant or a member of another
“Christian” denomination. As such, you generally have a high regard for
Jesus Christ, his leadership, and thinking. How does Jesus feel about
the practice of gang-stalking? The fact is, we don’t have to guess. The
Bible records an incident of gang-stalking that occurred in Jesus day.
More importantly, it shows how Jesus responded to the incident. Since a
Christian is a follower of Christ, we would want to know about this
incident, and how it revealed his viewpoint on this matter.
The gang-stalking incident is recorded by two of the gospel writers,
Matthew and Mark, at Matthew 8:28-34 and Mark 5:1-17. I invite you to
read both accounts in your Bible. As recorded, Jesus encountered two
demon-possessed men, in the region east of the Sea of Galilee. So fierce
were the demon-possessed man and his companion that no one dared to
pass the area where they had their dwelling among the tombs. Under demon
influence, the man named Legion walked about naked, and day and night
he cried aloud and slashed himself with stones. All efforts to bind him,
even with fetters and chains, were unsuccessful. Christ Jesus, however,
freed this man and his companion from the power of the demons.
Thereafter the expelled demons took possession of a herd of swine and
caused these to rush over a precipice to their death in the Sea of
Galilee. The freed man, in gratitude and faith, became a follower of
Jesus Christ.
Why can we say that this was, in fact, gang-stalking? Well,
gang-stalking involves a group ganging up on one man as a form of
harassment and torment. Interestingly, when Jesus asked the demons to
identify themselves, the head demon said his name was Legion. What is
the significance of his name? Well, in the Roman army of that day, a
Legion was a division of 6000 soldiers. So, the demon was acknowledging
by his name that there were possibly thousands of demons who mobbed and
possessed this one man. Take note that this was a 24-hour pattern of
abuse, that included sleep deprivation and physical and psychological
torture. It had the effect of isolating the man from the public, forcing
him to live naked in a cemetery. Can you see the striking similarities
to modern day gang-stalking? Like demon mobbing, a large group of
gang-stalkers participate in a collective attack on one person. The
continuous barrage of psychological abuses is designed to isolate and
destabilize the victim.
Just what gratification this gave the demons is unknown, but there
must have been something about it that enabled them to reap an unnatural
satisfaction. It certainly gave them opportunity to torture, vent
sadistic desires, and also to partake of the cowardly mob spirit by
ganging up on men. Gang-stalking is a common perversion among demons
according to the scriptures (Matt. 12:43-45).
So, who would you say are the original gang-stalkers? Who invented
this evil? Clearly, the demons. It satisfies the selfish motives of the
group practicing it. It is not a tool of justice. It is rather a gross
violation of basic human rights. It ignores universally honored
principles of justice. It is designed to torment, harass, and victimize
the powerless. And, it is cowardly, an expression of mob violence, as
the demons demonstrated.
How did Jesus respond to this incident of gang-stalking? Moved by a
strong sense of justice and compassion, he took immediate steps to bring
relief to the victim, by expelling the demons. In doing so, he set the
pattern for us. True Christians “love their neighbors” and desire to
relieve their suffering, not cause it.
If Jesus were on earth today, how would he feel about gang-stalking?
In this Bible account, the demons feared punishment from Jesus. Why?
They knew that their behavior was grossly sinful. Even if man does not
punish us for such behavior today, is it unreasonable to conclude that
Jesus would consider our actions repugnant? Would he consider this
demonic practice acceptable for Christians? Would imitating a cruel
scheme crafted by demons make you a follower of Christ, or, of the
demons? As a Christian, whose pattern of behavior are you obligated to
Can we rightfully consider gang-stalking a perversion? Well, the
demons were so addicted to the pleasure derived from mobbing and
tormenting humans that upon being forced to leave their victims, they
took possession of a nearby herd of swine and caused these to rush over a
precipice to their death in the Sea of Galilee. – Mt 8:28-34; Mr
5:1-20. Do you think humans are any less likely to find a perverse,
addictive thrill in torturing their victims? Imagine if you discovered
that a neighbor of yours was tormenting one of your pets, perhaps a dog
or a cat for years. Would you consider that normal behavior? Does it
become more “normal” if the target of the torment is human?
Take a closer look at how Jesus responded to this crime. His sense of
justice was outraged, yet, he did not resort to giving the demons a
“taste of their own medicine.” He did not abuse his power and authority
by torturing the demons in turn, as a form of vigilante justice. In
fact, Jesus never used torture, be it physical or psychological as a
response to those who attacked him. He demonstrated and taught his
disciples to “love their enemies, and to pray for those persecuting
them.” – Matthew 5: 43,44. What can the Christian victims of
gang-stalking learn from this? Like Jesus Christ, they never lower
themselves by imitating the thinking or behavior of their abusers.
Retaliation is never justified for it would make the Christian victim,
in turn, imitators of the demonic spirit behind gang-stalking. And, in
practical terms, it protects the victim from being lured into
self-destructive behavior, a key motive behind gang-stalking.
I consider myself a Christian. Therefore, in view of the foregoing, I
am determined not to imitate behavior that is clearly in violation of
Bible principles. I would not victimize others in this way if asked to
do so by any human authority. Also, as a victim of such behavior, I find
adopting the thinking or behavior of my persecutors in any way utterly
repugnant. Even in small things, I constantly monitor my thinking to
check any tendencies in this regard.
In closing, I again ask; Are
you a Christian? If your claim
to be such is genuine, you will reflect the thinking of Jesus Christ in
how you treat your fellowman.