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Friday, 8 August 2014


Autism Jigsaw logo with text 'autism rocks'
Foetal Alcohol syndrome is a good way to shame mothers and lose them their kids. We know 'NPD' is OFTEN a cover and a crock (using 'anger' as an identifier for NPD is the con) - what if it's UEB3A/chromosome 15, Valium or Antihistamine damage ('doesn't exist' either apparently) OR the '59% vaccine damage' - explained right here CLEARLY on (government site) https://www.gov.im/categories/benefits-and-financial-support/social-security-benefits/vaccine-damage-payments


Paranoia Can Be Induced By Hackers - Have a Look

 Google induced paranoia?

If you use Firefox, you can learn how to 'toggle' the more invasive and harmful items by VERY carefully altering things - your browser may not work the same way (use the smaller window to type urls) but it will be faster and more private by using the 'toggle' option to change dodgy things from 'true' to 'false' - you do this by going to (in your address bar, type) about:config - and then say 'yes' to 'be careful there are monsters' (or some such message) - then you toggle to ensure things are safe but do it calmly and carefully and very VERY slow! Only change the things you hate, beacon may be one thing you wish to disable.. Another example is - some applications keep running after you have unplugged the computer - so you go to about:config > OK > toggle > beacon enabled > false, 'browsercachedisk enable'> false (learn more only at the proper Mozilla site) and test links for safety here -    this is partly how a stalker infested this very blog (with a macro virus that doesn't always get caught by antivirus software)

.bp.blogspot.com safe? - displaying 4 of 4

    <A> link - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjwz5E5QqIzDFVlfymnJWQmQisNqcow3q5Fb51EzBXcorgTUHGNQlAS_01TMBGbBvJnZdMtxzStSHqlFE-thK8iFVy2_cJgxq_Qh6RIHaBV3QoDCEy4Qv3s0MED21rtMx57quZ0T17T/s1600/British.jpeg
    <A> link - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgLVAhbiibnuVqd8hB-2JMuvfTlouf41yLFWFuikwJKrYcHe0CIkSY1x3eGHx6cDNiDtu7G_s5hn1v22t2QpHCocPPuabAa3OEgULl4FwVdT5jMZ5e3ntrdY5lUcYDVGPDNKFzh2V6T/s1600/nail.jpg
    <A> link - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioZMFlLn6wtsDyR8VmgiWSNtf3D84ZaMW09JDvvmnTkw6t3JTIgcsubwEUkmvACHprG1q-xmvXSB-1L0spTjKKelJPf8k9RLcBEMiSivK4aVuQjn8lQ8bSAFeZnL5zRAWNkAhdhHDm/s1600/funny.jpg
    <A> link - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgIygRENUmysHxrlOpKKCI_mBYDQNiT2f3bhlB-IUo5Sk1vv50XQvuw3M6k6czbGvmf04fv2J9QuBEqIOrwQ-hT0RgfYU8-0xNgYd8jTFuuh3S2cSlLcFIYEeTDUpvXAEuQLS-s9cnP/s1600/swan.jpg    SO  -  for more on how to secure your browsing see M4J - ALSO >>

I had this from Pinterest just now !

What's a bot?
If you're seeing a "We've detected a bot!" message when trying to use Pinterest, we've blocked you because we detected an automated bot on your network.
A bot is a computer program made to automatically scrape, crawl and/or attack Pinterest.
Why doesn't Pinterest allow bots?
Bots can slow down Pinterest for other people and they may even be malicious. Because of this, we don't allow bots. You can learn more in our Acceptable Use Policy. Fortunately I learned how to use online URL scanners, and found the probelm was an Indian guy who I allowed to post spam on a comment,. wasn't my great images, now deleted,. So much fun them minkeyz.  Problem solved though. Google were not very helpful. Looking at Wordpress.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?, by Carolyn Gregoire

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?, by Carolyn Gregoire

Psychiatry - Ancient Greeks Return to Haunt Us

In ancient psychiatry 'four temperaments' proposed by Galen, a Greek phsician, asserted that four bodily fluids were responsible for aspects of behavior: blood, bile, black bile, and phlegm, according to a new study - he may have had something

 Galen was know as 'doctor to the gladiators' - he must've done something right?

British Patience - (Bear patiently heart - for you have suffered heavier things)

For British inspiration and compassion (for a moment) we have Rudyard Kipling's famous poem, 'IF'

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master,
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

Happiness Psychology

The science of being happy

Maybe Pharrell was right.

''With a wild grin and orange cowboy hat, flanked by women friends (her de facto bodyguards) in Johnny Cash-black and dark shades, the rail-thin blonde with the contagious laugh rolled up to the microphone and launched into her one-woman show Die Laughing With Cathy Speck. READ MORE 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

A way to measure creative thinking

PEBL Blog: RATs! A way to measure creative thinking: One of the new tasks included in PEBL 0.14 is an implementation of the Remote Associates Task (RAT).  A RAT is not a creepy vermin with a...

Evolve the Emotional Masturbation Already

Kinda Transcended from the Esoteric, is our friend 'Arhata' who writes 

August 5, 2014
One thing that make Jews different than all religions is the popularity of telling all from childhood to ‘question, question, question’! This morning as I looked out my kitchen window into the fog, were two 3 month old baby deer very independent of each other just lying down staring off into space. Most animals have little if any discernable communication between them. Strangely, most humans use less than 10% of their capacity to communicate with each other. This weekend a couple at my free speech display let their 24 year old beautiful white parrot sit on my hand. Not only did it have a lot to say, but when I stuck my tongue out at it, it said, ‘I don’t like that’!

A popular English nursery rhyme dating back to the 18th century is, ‘There was an old woman who lived in a shoe’. There are many interpretations of what the verses mean. From my point of view, the title is particularly relative to people today who live in a ‘box’ of yesterday filled with ‘do’s and don’ts that become their lifestyle with little variation up ’til death. Many wear the same ole shoe or mindset that they took from their childhood with few adapting variations as what ‘defines them’.  

Like the little deer, that munch grass and greens while staring ahead, most have nothing to talk about  other than the mundane. Fear of stepping outside of the ‘old shoe’ to inquire about who they really are beyond the ‘facade’ that they call themselves is a ‘no go to zone’, even if it comes up in conversation. Today is the age of ‘everything’ especially communication of knowing ourselves, and paying attention to what’s going on in the world. Billions are trapped asleep in their old shoe,  with a few 10’s of millions who are free by ever expanding their minds and hearts.

Before anything can happen in your evolution, you need to sit in the self where you will begin to feel an energy you never felt before. Why be absorbed in your melodramas? Sit relaxed in the seat of your awareness, breathing slowly, and beginning to feel the energy spirit come up from within. Hang out with ‘self’ rather than all the inner disturbances. Just stop being involved with loneliness, depression, meaningless distractions, bad habits, negativity, etc.  Awareness releases the shrapnel of the mind. A sense of freedom coming in awareness will cancel inner conflicts, and allow you to just watch inner disturbances. The inner flow is a sense of bliss where you will walk in the world rather that the riff raff of the world walking within you.

‘’It may sound odd, but the fastest way to get to a new-and-improved situation is to make peace with your current situation. By making lists of the most positive aspects you can find about your current situation, you then release your resistance to the improvements that are waiting for you. But if you rail against the injustices of your current situation, you hold yourself in vibrational alignment with what YOU DO NOT WANT, and you cannot then move in the direction of improvement. It defies Law.’’

 Read More

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Difference Between Sociopath and Psychopath

1. Sociopaths and psychopaths are both classed as anti-social personality disorders.
2. Both types of person enjoy cruelty,
3. Feel lack of normal human emotions of guilt, or fear and are unable to form emotional bonds with others.
4. Psychopaths generally behave outwardly normal but will engage in elaborate plots to manipulate or harm those around them.

Social Worker Explains How Government Takes Children from 'PD' parents

Social Worker Explains How Government Takes Children from 'PD' parents

Biology of Evil - Killers

Great podcast, not free

Evil Babies - is it a genetic problem or brain damage?

Born bad? Exploring the morality of babies

Does Art Fuel Psychopathy? Surprisingly, yes

Insightful post - Art and violence - referenced, with links and Pdf  - too much art creates too self-referencing - not empathy, and not enough interaction = Psychopathy reinforced.

Psychopaths and Skinny Brain

Unusual Brain Thinness

In the study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, a team of German researchers used modern brain scanning technology to examine the brain structure of 34 volunteers. Half of these volunteers had diagnosed cases of narcissistic personality disorder, while the other half did not. The part of the brain examined during the study was the cerebral cortex, the outer brain layer that regulates most of the functions that we associate with core human characteristics such as self-awareness, self-determination and self-control. One particular part of the cerebral cortex acts as the seat for empathy, the common term for the human ability to identify with others on both emotional and logical levels.
After reviewing the results of their examination, the authors of the study concluded that, when compared to people unaffected by NPD, people with the disorder have unusual cerebral cortex thinness in the region responsible for empathy production. read more

83 NEW markers of Schizophrenia found

New study finds genetic code linked to schizophrenia, 83 markers of which had not been previously reported.

Mechanism of Thought Generation in Neurons Unraveled | SciTech Connect

Mechanism of Thought Generation in Neurons Unraveled | SciTech Connect

Psychopaths - is it all Social Structure?

The benefits of knowing the biology, brain scan evidence, personality disorder structuring of Psychopaths -  apparently all thoroughly trashed  in this article from Gabriel Gavin at UCL

Monday, 4 August 2014

Crime, Business, ID, Invention, Machiavellian Philosophy and Personality - INSIGHT

Crime, Business, ID and the Machiavellian Philosophy and Personality including the future of Criminology (I tell ya) -  includes new fun apps, complex personality testing (including colloquial and philosophical values) and evidence of, early identification and positive exploit of Machiavellian psychopathology in children, employing Myers Briggs types type tests, the identification of personality spectrum's (Myers B - [] Group C NPD = me - (*as well as sub-types!)) interactive quizzes and tests, with various types and escalation of complexity.  

It's about intent, and where that came from.

Randomness (and regular review of) is absolutely essential for critical identification. Mixed (high EQ) local ('tribal' and beyond) group interaction will help keep it relevant & valid. Highest spatial  EQ (with evidence of IQ - make em blog, nicely) with my type of type, is a winner : D You get great humour, loyalty and spatial 'bigger picture' inventions (mind you, years ago I invented interactive (haptic) sex toys (shared with Garret Lisi and Aubrey De Grey) the wireless 3-pin plug, the usb-battery power source for Tablet computers - and nobody wanted to know, no deposit for the patent at the time, nor with my digital pens and lighters in the 70's) - and problem solving.  *Expressive skills can be stunted in the spatial/traumatised/PTSD/Autism

Millons Cluster B NPD, must be shown how to improve its bullying, undermining sorry self  (*shame gets the non-Machiavellian Sociopath, not the amygdala/genetically/phobic - challenged Psycho) though the VALUE of good manners is underutilised there) in using easy, reinforcing, practical steps (enough with the self-pity, its not helpful, and good kind people are tiring of the empathy bit unless motivated by Big Daddy in de sky. And those gods r gettin far too old - Aliens are good, keep them small!)

To apply tests in the absence of a 'controlled' environment it is also essential in identification and for identification of intelligence, e.g. evidence of spatial *awareness* isn't evidence of high EQ, it's evidence of it having been observed. Psychopaths love to do that. Criminology must have been getting things a bit wrong in some areas, for some time. Who else got it wrong? Intelligence adapts, it's not static. So how much injustice is down to poor application in forensic psychology and social science ('dumbing down' (a writer wrote) 'being a Surrealist writer they (NLP) take on [reactive] properties that trigger thought/images; this is where the abusive recontextulizing of language by the media gets me the blues, they dumb it up, overuse and abuse the words in contexts that are just ridiculous at best, at worst dangerous' - and not keeping up with the Internet those very special kiddies?)

Instead resting on its complex historical (pre Internet) laurels, not really ready for the vastness? We need to explore mobile technology (I've been 'auditing' (a little) the current mHealth course with Stanford) and one of our heroes, Mark Zuckerberg, is helping make the Internet a reality for the entire world, coming soon  (it has surprising critics though) you'd be foolish not to buy into it. Wouldn't suit the EU much? (EU itself is maybe racist, wants white immigrants over black in the UK) EU would suit UKIP if it understood things better maybe (Must go and review them, [Indigenous] British identity bashing is always going to be a bad idea) We need interactive apps, simple baby-step lists and tools, used daily with masses of Ebay style feedback (we all need it and Ebay has the gift - it's addictive due to that fact as well as the great bargains) in order to vastly improve our skills. Feedback is underrated and a massive reinforcer, even if it's deliberate 'negative reinforcement' (be careful with that, war games need to include a lot more medical dramas #real)

The 'Brain Yoga' (free) is a very good example of the type of App we need (needs a chat room/specific feedback place) It's quite scary that Amazon App store only has a couple of CBT apps worth noting, and one DBT app. For mental illness, we need to include access to chat rooms with 'personality disorder' focus (those PD 'overlap' explanations are getting wearing) that are reinforcing and that can be useful to patients and clinicians alike, determining best-outcome in a non-adversarial, creative way, that will help reduce inpatient requirement but that will secure employment. NPD Cluster B /ASPD must have their own new focus as they can't achieve potential whilst focused on themselves or their pain (which is real, they often don't care for themselves well enough, usually lack of attention to their unique PD ID, trauma and injustice) or their own pleasure/owning the universe/'winning' and undermining everyone as a goal. They want to be right, let them find better and therapeutic ways of being right. If Scientology evolves this stuff, Psychiatry must surely follow? Saying you're the boss is going to require more than 'because I said so' any time soon. It's not just purist ideology here, it combines evidence-based science. Howard Hughes, the famous OCD agoraphobe billionaire (probably emetophobic, it often causes germ-phobia in some who don't study immune system adequately) was undervalued. SO - fill in the gaping holes (A math expert thanked me the other day, for setting him off to investigate the possibility of new measuring of math via chaotic Mandelbrot inventions, I don't really get it myself, but the idea came when watching a BBC2 show about it, I thought 'how can they be measuring fractions right (infinity in spaces between numbers) when Mandelbrot are not measuring the chaotic?) Off to try and focus me bigger-picture skills elsewhere. Elizabeth Lucye Robillard, ( British Breton Canadian)

Sunday, 3 August 2014

‘Future of the Mind’

Dreaming in Code

Michio Kaku’s ‘Future of the Mind’

In June of this year, the World Cup in Brazil will begin not with a flashy musical number or a team of flying acrobats but with a simple scientific demonstration.

Best of Sam Harris Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part Two