Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Monday, 8 September 2014
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Evidence that Spectrums in Analysis - are Infinite and therefore - Erroneous
Each person is made up of samey stuff. But. All different. Like each leaf, snowflake and identical twin sheepz. So. What has that got to do with shrinkage of the mind? Everything! Wanna know why?
You have a spectrum for each emotion you feel. 1-10 (or 11 in my case, maybe up to 993 in the case of a BPD Cluster A on smack)
Your emotions depend on:
1. Circumstances
2. Genetics
3. Personal biology
4. Experience
5. Health
6. Beliefs
7. Social Structures/models
Therefore, psych tests can only ever be a guideline and MH pro's need to lose their NPD superior attitude and start working with clients as the boss they are of their own problems. The acting-out of MH problems is simple display of frustrations at NOT BEING HEARD, believed or understood.
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
Holocaust Denial and Dresden 'Avengers' - get their facts all NPD Cluster C
because 'accounted' for and 'unaccounted for', are two different stats, you do know this?
Holocaust stats
Holocaust stats
Mind Games of the Powerful NPD's - Mossad? WTF?
From: "Sam Vaknin author of \"Malignant Self-love\"" <vakninsam@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 10:21:02
> To: Fred Burton<burton@stratfor.com>
> Reply-To: "Sam Vaknin author of \"Malignant Self-love\"" <samvaknin@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Follow Up
> Thank you for reverting, Fred.
> I am looking for an investigative journalist with the pecuniary means to
> pursue a worldwide story.
> Before you proceed, I want you to know that I am dead set against what are
> commonly labeled "conspiracy theories". I am incorrigibly - nay,
> religiously - addicted to rationalism. See these, for instance:
> http://www.globalpolitician.com/2460-conspiracy
> http://www.globalpolitician.com/25203--terror
> But "conspiracies" - in the sense of "coordinated actions for obtaining
> common goals in a largely surreptitious manner" - do occur, as you well
> know.
> My name is Sam Vaknin and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Global Politician
> (globalpolitician.com).
> Thirty years ago, in my early twenties, I found myself involved in what
> turned out to be a global conspiracy. Now, with Osama bin-Laden dead,
> Shabtai Kalmanovich murdered, and my health failing rapidly, I feel morally
> obliged to reveal what I know (and thus also to provide myself with an
> insurance policy).
> Before I proceed to disclose more, I would like to establish my credibility
> by providing you with a few facts that can be easily verified.
> Between 1983-7 Elkana Gali, Motti Hod, Raffi ("hamasriakh", the Stinker)
> Eitan (of the Leke"m) and other military and intelligence figures worked
> together with me (Shmuel "Sam" Vaknin, brother of Sima Gil-Vaknin, Israeli
> military censor) on a "mivtsa" (operation) so secret that only Eizer
> Weitzman and Shimon Peres (and his businessman brother) knew about.
> In 1985-7 Gali, myself, Al Schwimmer, Marcus Katz, Efraim Ilin, and Ya'akov
> Nimrodi (all of them protagonists in the Iran-Contra affair) leased (from
> another ex-Mossad agent) a house in 34 Connaught Square in London. They
> hired the services of Bernard Garbacz (Landau-Morley), an accountant, to
> set up for them an offshore (Isle of Man) corporation named IPE.
> As a cover story, we collaborated with KGB agent Shabtai Kalmanovich (Liat
> ltd.) and two Americans (probably CIA agents) Jack Peters and Sheldon
> Silverston ( shelusapatriot@gmail.com ) on a deal involving President Momoh
> in Sierra Leone. When Kalmanovich was no longer needed, the Mossad kidnapped
> him and brought him back to Israel to stand trial. Kalmanovich was murdered
> last year in Russia after he threatened to reveal what he knew.
> In truth we, "the Six", were involved in something MUCH bigger, something
> that went awry and led to September 11 and had a huge and lasting impact on
> the history of Israel, the Middle-East and the USA. Something that also
> involves Khashoggi, Putin, bin-Laden, fusion energy, Nessim Gaon, Alexander
> Haig, Ronald Regan, Bush Sr., Olof Palme and many other world leaders and
> celebrities.
> Following time done in prison for securities fraud (1995-6), I left Israel
> and am now living in Macedonia (where the tail of the abovementioned plot
> still unravels).
> If you know someone who might be interested in my story, he or she can
> verify the information contained this message. If it pans out and if (s)he
> would then like to pursue it, write to this e-mail address and we will agree
> on how to proceed.
> Thank you for taking the time to consider this.
> Sam
> Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. (E-mail : senioreditor@globalpolitician.com Mobile/Cell:
> +38970-565488)
> United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent Articles
> Archive
> http://www.upi.com/search/?sp=t&sLocation=sStories&ss=Vaknin
> Editor-in-Chief, Global Politician and Founding Analyst, International
> Analyst Network
> http://www.globalpolitician.com/search.asp?keyword=Vaknin
> http://www.analyst-network.com/profile.php?user_id=79
> Chronicle Media Group
> http://www.losangeleschronicle.com/authors/view/941
Racist views not borne from truth - not completley
'In 1807 Britain outlawed slavery. In 1820 the king of the African
kingdom of Ashanti inquired why the Christians did not want to trade
slaves with him anymore, since they worshipped the same god as the
Muslims and the Muslims were continuing the trade like before.
The civil rights movement of the 1960's have left many people with the belief that the slave trade was exclusively a European/USA phenomenon and only evil white people were to blame for it. This is a simplistic scenario that hardly reflects the facts.
Thousands of records of transactions are available on a CDROM prepared by Harvard University and several comprehensive books have been published recently on the origins of modern slavery (namely, Hugh Thomas' The Slave Trade and Robin Blackburn's The Making Of New World Slavery) that shed new light on centuries of slave trading.
What these records show is that the modern slave trade flourished in the early middle ages, as early as 869, especially between Muslim traders and western African kingdoms. For moralists, the most important aspect of that trade should be that Muslims were selling goods to the African kingdoms and the African kingdoms were paying with their own people. In most instances, no violence was necessary to obtain those slaves. Contrary to legends and novels and Hollywood movies, the white traders did not need to savagely kill entire tribes in order to exact their tribute in slaves. All they needed to do is bring goods that appealed to the kings of those tribes. The kings would gladly sell their own subjects. (Of course, this neither condones the white traders who bought the slaves nor deny that many white traders still committed atrocities to maximize their business).
This explains why slavery became "black". Ancient slavery, e.g. under the Roman empire, would not discriminate: slaves were both white and black (so were Emperors and Popes). In the middle ages, all European countries outlawed slavery (of course, Western powers retained countless "civilized" ways to enslave their citizens, but that's another story), whereas the African kingdoms happily continued in their trade. Therefore, only colored people could be slaves, and that is how the stereotype for African-American slavery was born. It was not based on an ancestral hatred of blacks by whites, but simply on the fact that blacks were the only ones selling slaves, and they were selling people of their own race. (To be precise, Christians were also selling Muslim slaves captured in war, and Muslims were selling Christian slaves captured in war, but neither the Christians of Europe nor the Muslims of Africa and the Middle East were selling their own people).
Then the Muslim trade of African slaves declined rapidly when Arab domination was reduced by the emerging European powers. (Note: Arabs continued to capture and sell slaves, but mostly in the Mediterranean. In fact, Robert Davis estimates that 1.25 million European Christians were enslaved by the "barbary states" of northern Africa. As late as 1801 the USA bombed Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli precisely to stop that Arab slave trade of Christians. The rate of mortality of those Christian slaves in the Islamic world was roughly the same as the mortality rate in the Atlantic slave trade of the same period.)
Christians took over in black Africa, though. The first ones were the Portuguese, who, applying an idea that originally developed in Italian seatrading cities, and often using Italian venture capital, started exploiting sub-Saharan slaves in the 1440s to support the economy of the sugar plantations (mainly for their own African colonies of Sao Tome and Madeira).
The Dutch were the first, apparently, to import black slaves into North America, but black slaves had already been employed all over the world, including South and Central America. We tend to focus on what happened in North America because the United States would eventually fight a war over slavery (and it's in the U.S. that large sectors of the population would start condemning slavery, contrary to the indifference that Muslims and most Europeans showed for it).
Even after Europeans began transporting black slaves to America, most trade was just that: "trade". In most instances, the Europeans did not need to use any force to get those slaves. The slaves were "sold" more or less legally by their (black) owners. Scholars estimate that about 12,000,000 Africans were sold by Africans to Europeans (most of them before 1776, when the USA wasn't yet born) and 17,000,000 were sold to Arabs. The legends of European mercenaries capturing free people in the jungle are mostly just that: legends. A few mercenaries certainly stormed peaceful tribes and committed terrible crimes, but that was not the norm. There was no need to risk their lives, so most of them didn't: they simply purchased people.
As an African-American scholar (Nathan Huggins) has written, the "identity" of black Africans is largely a white invention: sub-Saharan Africans never felt like they were one people, they felt (and still feel) that they belonged to different tribes. The distinctions of tribe were far stronger than the distinctions of race.
Everything else is true: millions of slaves died on ships and of diseases, millions of blacks worked for free to allow the Western economies to prosper, and the economic interests in slavery became so strong that the southern states of the United States opposed repealing it. But those millions of slaves were just one of the many instances of mass exploitation: the industrial revolution was exported to the USA by enterpreuners exploiting millions of poor immigrants from Europe. The fate of those immigrants was not much better than the fate of the slaves in the South. As a matter of fact, many slaves enjoyed far better living conditions in the southern plantations than European immigrants in the industrial cities (which were sometimes comparable to concentration camps). It is not a coincidence that slavery was abolished at a time when millions of European and Chinese immigrants provided the same kind of cheap labor.
It is also fair to say that, while everybody tolerated it, very few whites practiced slavery: in 1860 there were 385,000 USA citizens who owned slaves, or about 1.4% of the white population (there were 27 million whites in the USA). That percentage was zero in the states that did not allow slavery (only 8 million of the 27 million whites lived in states that allowed slavery). Incidentally, in 1830 about 25% of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves: that is a much higher percentage (ten times more) than the number of white slave owners. Thus slave owners were a tiny minority (1.4%) and it was not only whites: it was just about anybody who could, including blacks themselves.
Moral opposition to slavery became widespread even before Lincoln, and throughout Europe. On the other hand, opposition to slavery was never particularly strong in Africa itself, where slavery is slowly being eradicated only in our times. One can suspect that slavery would have remained common in most African kingdoms until this day: what crushed slavery in Africa was that all those African kingdoms became colonies of western European countries that (for one reason or another) eventually decided to outlaw slavery. When, in the 1960s, those African colonies regained their independence, numerous cases of slavery resurfaced. And countless African dictators behaved in a way that makes a slave owner look like a saint. Given the evidence that this kind of slavery was practiced by some Africans before it was practiced by some Americans, that it was abolished by all whites and not by some Africans, and that some Africans resumed it the moment they could, why would one keep blaming the USA but never blame, say, Ghana or the Congo?
The more we study it, the less blame we have to put on the USA for the slave trade with black Africa: it was pioneered by the Arabs, its economic mechanism was invented by the Italians and the Portuguese, it was mostly run by western Europeans, and it was conducted with the full cooperation of many African kings. The USA fostered free criticism of the phenomenon: for a long time no such criticism was allowed in the Muslim and Christian nations that started trading goods for slaves, and no such criticism was allowed in the African nations that started selling their own people (and, even today, slavery is a taboo subject in the Arab world). MORE
The civil rights movement of the 1960's have left many people with the belief that the slave trade was exclusively a European/USA phenomenon and only evil white people were to blame for it. This is a simplistic scenario that hardly reflects the facts.
Thousands of records of transactions are available on a CDROM prepared by Harvard University and several comprehensive books have been published recently on the origins of modern slavery (namely, Hugh Thomas' The Slave Trade and Robin Blackburn's The Making Of New World Slavery) that shed new light on centuries of slave trading.
What these records show is that the modern slave trade flourished in the early middle ages, as early as 869, especially between Muslim traders and western African kingdoms. For moralists, the most important aspect of that trade should be that Muslims were selling goods to the African kingdoms and the African kingdoms were paying with their own people. In most instances, no violence was necessary to obtain those slaves. Contrary to legends and novels and Hollywood movies, the white traders did not need to savagely kill entire tribes in order to exact their tribute in slaves. All they needed to do is bring goods that appealed to the kings of those tribes. The kings would gladly sell their own subjects. (Of course, this neither condones the white traders who bought the slaves nor deny that many white traders still committed atrocities to maximize their business).
This explains why slavery became "black". Ancient slavery, e.g. under the Roman empire, would not discriminate: slaves were both white and black (so were Emperors and Popes). In the middle ages, all European countries outlawed slavery (of course, Western powers retained countless "civilized" ways to enslave their citizens, but that's another story), whereas the African kingdoms happily continued in their trade. Therefore, only colored people could be slaves, and that is how the stereotype for African-American slavery was born. It was not based on an ancestral hatred of blacks by whites, but simply on the fact that blacks were the only ones selling slaves, and they were selling people of their own race. (To be precise, Christians were also selling Muslim slaves captured in war, and Muslims were selling Christian slaves captured in war, but neither the Christians of Europe nor the Muslims of Africa and the Middle East were selling their own people).
Then the Muslim trade of African slaves declined rapidly when Arab domination was reduced by the emerging European powers. (Note: Arabs continued to capture and sell slaves, but mostly in the Mediterranean. In fact, Robert Davis estimates that 1.25 million European Christians were enslaved by the "barbary states" of northern Africa. As late as 1801 the USA bombed Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli precisely to stop that Arab slave trade of Christians. The rate of mortality of those Christian slaves in the Islamic world was roughly the same as the mortality rate in the Atlantic slave trade of the same period.)
Christians took over in black Africa, though. The first ones were the Portuguese, who, applying an idea that originally developed in Italian seatrading cities, and often using Italian venture capital, started exploiting sub-Saharan slaves in the 1440s to support the economy of the sugar plantations (mainly for their own African colonies of Sao Tome and Madeira).
The Dutch were the first, apparently, to import black slaves into North America, but black slaves had already been employed all over the world, including South and Central America. We tend to focus on what happened in North America because the United States would eventually fight a war over slavery (and it's in the U.S. that large sectors of the population would start condemning slavery, contrary to the indifference that Muslims and most Europeans showed for it).
Even after Europeans began transporting black slaves to America, most trade was just that: "trade". In most instances, the Europeans did not need to use any force to get those slaves. The slaves were "sold" more or less legally by their (black) owners. Scholars estimate that about 12,000,000 Africans were sold by Africans to Europeans (most of them before 1776, when the USA wasn't yet born) and 17,000,000 were sold to Arabs. The legends of European mercenaries capturing free people in the jungle are mostly just that: legends. A few mercenaries certainly stormed peaceful tribes and committed terrible crimes, but that was not the norm. There was no need to risk their lives, so most of them didn't: they simply purchased people.
As an African-American scholar (Nathan Huggins) has written, the "identity" of black Africans is largely a white invention: sub-Saharan Africans never felt like they were one people, they felt (and still feel) that they belonged to different tribes. The distinctions of tribe were far stronger than the distinctions of race.
Everything else is true: millions of slaves died on ships and of diseases, millions of blacks worked for free to allow the Western economies to prosper, and the economic interests in slavery became so strong that the southern states of the United States opposed repealing it. But those millions of slaves were just one of the many instances of mass exploitation: the industrial revolution was exported to the USA by enterpreuners exploiting millions of poor immigrants from Europe. The fate of those immigrants was not much better than the fate of the slaves in the South. As a matter of fact, many slaves enjoyed far better living conditions in the southern plantations than European immigrants in the industrial cities (which were sometimes comparable to concentration camps). It is not a coincidence that slavery was abolished at a time when millions of European and Chinese immigrants provided the same kind of cheap labor.
It is also fair to say that, while everybody tolerated it, very few whites practiced slavery: in 1860 there were 385,000 USA citizens who owned slaves, or about 1.4% of the white population (there were 27 million whites in the USA). That percentage was zero in the states that did not allow slavery (only 8 million of the 27 million whites lived in states that allowed slavery). Incidentally, in 1830 about 25% of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves: that is a much higher percentage (ten times more) than the number of white slave owners. Thus slave owners were a tiny minority (1.4%) and it was not only whites: it was just about anybody who could, including blacks themselves.
Moral opposition to slavery became widespread even before Lincoln, and throughout Europe. On the other hand, opposition to slavery was never particularly strong in Africa itself, where slavery is slowly being eradicated only in our times. One can suspect that slavery would have remained common in most African kingdoms until this day: what crushed slavery in Africa was that all those African kingdoms became colonies of western European countries that (for one reason or another) eventually decided to outlaw slavery. When, in the 1960s, those African colonies regained their independence, numerous cases of slavery resurfaced. And countless African dictators behaved in a way that makes a slave owner look like a saint. Given the evidence that this kind of slavery was practiced by some Africans before it was practiced by some Americans, that it was abolished by all whites and not by some Africans, and that some Africans resumed it the moment they could, why would one keep blaming the USA but never blame, say, Ghana or the Congo?
The more we study it, the less blame we have to put on the USA for the slave trade with black Africa: it was pioneered by the Arabs, its economic mechanism was invented by the Italians and the Portuguese, it was mostly run by western Europeans, and it was conducted with the full cooperation of many African kings. The USA fostered free criticism of the phenomenon: for a long time no such criticism was allowed in the Muslim and Christian nations that started trading goods for slaves, and no such criticism was allowed in the African nations that started selling their own people (and, even today, slavery is a taboo subject in the Arab world). MORE
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
How To Save Psychiatry and Prevent Crime - Use Apps!
No sane person would want to save psychiatry as it is here in some parts of Kensington in London, but it clearly has some uses in the less able part of society.
Psychiatry needs to assert, very loudly - that psychological testing is used for the identification of behaviours that help identify appropriate treatment but that do not define a person as a sum. This is and has been its mistake for years, not being clear on definition.
A good idea would be to send scaled and appropriate mobile apps to clients, get them to complete MMPI-2 type tests prior to hospital consultation in order to maximise effective therapeutic interventions.
Consults could then be more friendly and personalised with the training of MH professionals in personality profile test implementation, this would help minimise the 'mental capacity' errors like that which happened to me. A reasonable and responsible person with a bad back and stalkers, asking for help, got sectioned for 4 months, was forced to take drugs I didn't need (I'm completely clean, don't drink/smoke/do drugs/habits) lost everything I ever owned. Absolutely everything. It left me very traumatised indeed. Hammers to crack nuts are not always the best thing.
I can understand, I can't forgive.
A social problem isn't necessarily the work of a psychiatrist or police, yet it's currently working that way. We have ''1000's of people'' without liberty at the moment. We need to address this properly and the EU hasn't helped here in the UK.
The 'deprivation of liberty' framework in the UK is still proving to impede on liberty and is open to being dangerously exploited whilst mental capacity testing is not implemented properly, as it really should be mandatory for GP's and Social Workers to ensure service users complete app tests prior to interventions wherever humanly possible. The benefits are incalculable! (I am currently 'autiding' the mHealth course with Stanford , when I can focus)
In order to potentiate MH services across the board, personality testing via apps could prove invaluable to help prevent crime and mismanagement of MH services, if done correctly, randomised and with many tests available in order to minimise fraud.
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
Psychiatry needs to assert, very loudly - that psychological testing is used for the identification of behaviours that help identify appropriate treatment but that do not define a person as a sum. This is and has been its mistake for years, not being clear on definition.
A good idea would be to send scaled and appropriate mobile apps to clients, get them to complete MMPI-2 type tests prior to hospital consultation in order to maximise effective therapeutic interventions.
Consults could then be more friendly and personalised with the training of MH professionals in personality profile test implementation, this would help minimise the 'mental capacity' errors like that which happened to me. A reasonable and responsible person with a bad back and stalkers, asking for help, got sectioned for 4 months, was forced to take drugs I didn't need (I'm completely clean, don't drink/smoke/do drugs/habits) lost everything I ever owned. Absolutely everything. It left me very traumatised indeed. Hammers to crack nuts are not always the best thing.
I can understand, I can't forgive.
A social problem isn't necessarily the work of a psychiatrist or police, yet it's currently working that way. We have ''1000's of people'' without liberty at the moment. We need to address this properly and the EU hasn't helped here in the UK.
The 'deprivation of liberty' framework in the UK is still proving to impede on liberty and is open to being dangerously exploited whilst mental capacity testing is not implemented properly, as it really should be mandatory for GP's and Social Workers to ensure service users complete app tests prior to interventions wherever humanly possible. The benefits are incalculable! (I am currently 'autiding' the mHealth course with Stanford , when I can focus)
In order to potentiate MH services across the board, personality testing via apps could prove invaluable to help prevent crime and mismanagement of MH services, if done correctly, randomised and with many tests available in order to minimise fraud.
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
Monday, 25 August 2014
Survivors mantra 'I haven't done anything, I haven't done anything wrong, I haven't done anything'
Innocent victims of NPD's - be it emotional/physical/sexual (none are 'worse' - this is not a competition and should never be, each experience is unique) will relate to this. And to phobias and phobic reaction
A narcissistic 'influencer' will never, ever allow you to express an opinion that differs to his. If you do, you will be 'destroyed' NPD's aren't stupid in the least
Schizotypal/Avoidant for example, is ALWAYS the result of long-term 'shaping' (negative influence 'model') from the erosion of natural personality via constant abuse, shaming and fear induction with undermining by older, trusted NPD people, who could instill 'be afraid of everything' - which trusting babies take straight to heart, being afraid is the new 'normal' for them, no matter how contradictory the older 'love' (mother/sister/brother/fad/carer) seems, the child equated the 'strength' with 'corrrect' thinking.
I was fortunate as I was loved by my mother, whom, with hindsight and insight, I believe was a bit autistic but not NPD. However, I had older NPD siblings who are/were, one was schizotypal. He never hurt me. The NPD's/ASPD almost killed me- whilst they were maintaining 'hero' status. Very NPD.
The thing that kept me surviving when I had no personalty, no voice and no sense of 'self' - was great TV shows, that proved I was 'right' - Like 'Little House on the Prairie' and 'Columbo'. TV and radio kept me going all my life. It's great to hear that there is now great advice out there and I recommend these things to help heal from abuse, even if it's 'too late' - you can still recover when you think right! So here's what to do!
NPD's stir and lie. They are great fakers but the 'proof of the pudding' is in how they live. Entitled, scheming, backstabbing and 'phony'.
Get REAL control! 'INSIGHT' !
Identify your labels, identify your feelings,give yourself a narrative - TALK TO YOURSELF OUT LOUD (but quietly, you may have NPD stalker neighbours who WILL get you locked up!)
1. Keep a notepad open all day
2. Write down every decision you make about everything
3 Identify which emotion or combination of, you have
4. At the end of each day, summarise all you learned
5. Understand and note down all feelings of 'reaction'
6. KNOW that your reactions are often a mistake, learn to master all of them - not just fear
Do this for two months, start again as you may fail at first. Keep trying, persist.
During this time, do two things - learn to focus, learn a new hobby.
Meantime, the best books for me (READ THE COMMENTS) are John Bradshaw's
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
A narcissistic 'influencer' will never, ever allow you to express an opinion that differs to his. If you do, you will be 'destroyed' NPD's aren't stupid in the least
Schizotypal/Avoidant for example, is ALWAYS the result of long-term 'shaping' (negative influence 'model') from the erosion of natural personality via constant abuse, shaming and fear induction with undermining by older, trusted NPD people, who could instill 'be afraid of everything' - which trusting babies take straight to heart, being afraid is the new 'normal' for them, no matter how contradictory the older 'love' (mother/sister/brother/fad/carer) seems, the child equated the 'strength' with 'corrrect' thinking.
I was fortunate as I was loved by my mother, whom, with hindsight and insight, I believe was a bit autistic but not NPD. However, I had older NPD siblings who are/were, one was schizotypal. He never hurt me. The NPD's/ASPD almost killed me- whilst they were maintaining 'hero' status. Very NPD.
The thing that kept me surviving when I had no personalty, no voice and no sense of 'self' - was great TV shows, that proved I was 'right' - Like 'Little House on the Prairie' and 'Columbo'. TV and radio kept me going all my life. It's great to hear that there is now great advice out there and I recommend these things to help heal from abuse, even if it's 'too late' - you can still recover when you think right! So here's what to do!
NPD's stir and lie. They are great fakers but the 'proof of the pudding' is in how they live. Entitled, scheming, backstabbing and 'phony'.
Get REAL control! 'INSIGHT' !
Identify your labels, identify your feelings,give yourself a narrative - TALK TO YOURSELF OUT LOUD (but quietly, you may have NPD stalker neighbours who WILL get you locked up!)
1. Keep a notepad open all day
2. Write down every decision you make about everything
3 Identify which emotion or combination of, you have
4. At the end of each day, summarise all you learned
5. Understand and note down all feelings of 'reaction'
6. KNOW that your reactions are often a mistake, learn to master all of them - not just fear
Do this for two months, start again as you may fail at first. Keep trying, persist.
During this time, do two things - learn to focus, learn a new hobby.
Meantime, the best books for me (READ THE COMMENTS) are John Bradshaw's
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Loyalty NOT Ignorance - Conservatives
Political Conservatives’ Affinity for Obedience to Authority Is Loyal, Not Blind
- Jeremy A. Frimer, Department of Psychology, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 0R4. Email: j.frimer@uwinnipeg.ca
Abstract read
Everyday Sadists
Dealing With Everyday Sadists and Other "Dark Personalities"
5 important tips for protecting yourself from those who would do you harm
There are several personality types that are more likely to harm another than the average person would. Sadists possess an intrinsic motivation
to inflict suffering on innocent others, even when this comes at a
personal cost. This is because for sadistic personalities, cruelty is
pleasurable, generally exciting, and can be sexually stimulating.
Why we LOVE and ADORE Henry Rollins
Rollins recently slated Robin Williams for the suicide. We agree. We lost the best talent we have ever had in the history of entertainment. Robin inspired countless people in a variety of dangerous and strange situations as well as every good soldier and service person in the west. Robin should NOT have taken the drugs. Robin SHOULD have been looking for peer support, advice from Rudyard Kipling and looking to lessen impact of possible harms caused to people. He may have been afraid of hurting people. He hated to hurt people. This is the same with Rollins who is feeling like shit, made an apology to all and is probably feeling depressed and guilty now. WHY? He has saved more lives than he has hurt the feelings of a few who need to learn to understand the hearts of the greats. Rollins is my new hero and I will be hanging on to his every word. The best bit? ''as you have children, you waive your right to take your own life'' Absolutely sweetheart. Here for you. For all nice guys doing the best they can, we love you.
Friday, 22 August 2014
Feminists are hated, because we CAN f*ck! UKIP? But VOTE YES for Scotland!
F*cking is fab. Or can be. However, if you've been raped and stalked a lot or violated and exploited a lot, it's not always an appealing idea though and also you will be judged for enjoying it (even if it's thin on the ground now and then, picky people often do without) Allowing yourself to nurture the denial of adult healthy sex though, is thieving from your life.
An ugly man with a temper, a Millons B, sold our heritage, which affects British identity and our tourism industry (that is partially responsible for funding our welfare state, which currently supports 52% of the UK population (source, Government) in tax credits and work related benefits, as well as disabled and unemployed.
So, who could REALLY benefit from flogging the Queen? Scotland?
Let's look at the evidence bearing in mind that not all Scots despise the British
Which Scots have been Messing things up for the British for a long time?
Blair - check.
Brown - check.
Rifkind - check -ish
David Cameron - ish
What can we do about this?
I hope UKIP will have some answers in the new manifesto coming next month, it is going to be fun and hopefully will gives us all a lot to think about.
Meanwhile, the Kama Sutra is only good when you have high EQ. IQ alone only feeds the superficial values that harm so many people.The Paparazzi guy I had a flingette with, Jon someone, looked like Anthony Newley) was all technique, and no EQ. Couldn't wait to be shot of his white designer knickers.
Keeping things small and local is by far the best thing for the global community. When people want to own huge things and worlds, they have unmet needs, were probably left to cry for too long by parents 'doing it by the wrong book' as they learn that whining forever eventually gets them 'fed'. All that need is eventually 'worth it'. It doesn't cause good people. It causes HUGENESS and 'good psychopathy' that belongs in the army!
Love and feeding on demand is the only way to show a baby that you are a caring and good parent and that people can be trusted and loved. This is the foundation of empathy, empathy pays is learned in babyhood.
To develop empathy must be a goal for our world today and learning the difference between empathy and sympathy is very valuable, as is being able to spot the NPD. See Sam Vaknin videos and books.
'Righteous' people of all religions (not to mention jealous people - as they are very nasty 'Millon' who take delight in pretending to be nice whilst actually stabbing one deeply in the spine!) draw the line at 'otherwise good' people who happen to enjoy HEALTHY adult sex. This is because those clean and pure ones that would never throw stones in glass houses - have only had bad or too limited experience of sex themselves (which should be included as a symptom of 'Legal Abuse Syndrome' - news of which is coming soon!)
Injustice keeps this a focal point of activism across the board. Sex crimes will always need addressing as our body is all we can ever truly own and is our foundation for our very identity. It is yours alone that nobody has a right to invade in any way ever, without strict invitation only.
Laws should be protecting all of us in this regard. Keeping focus on what is crime and what is not crime can only help bring balanced and proper justice.
Adult consensual sex is fine and completely natural and normal but sex involving vulnerable beings is an act of psychopaths.
This is why it's very important for all of us, to brush up our skills on identifying the proper culprits.
They lead double lives and lie so well, that it is shocking to the core when you hear them lie to others, especially in courts of law. It's shocking that these psychopaths have been among us for so long. Tony Blair seems to be one. Apparently (according to a few reliable sources) he was involved in a sex crime and it was covered up. I suppose it was youthful shenanigans, but would we have voted him in had we known?
I expect most legals are aware of it. It's probably what is messing up some of the transparency issues we have. Along with the flawed NLP (courtesy Alistair Campbell, the other odious one) that was brought here to the UK thanks to the delightful Bandler (check out the story at Mother Jones) NLP can be useful but generally it is very dangerous as it reinforced the SICK ego, making people feel good, even if they're very nasty and without the correct skills they require.
The best thing people can do to help themselves, when suffering LAS, is see a trained CBT/Behavioural therapist and take a course. These days there are some great University courses to enjoy from MIT, to Stanford, OU, Alison etc. Give it a go, baby steps!
Equality is great for everyone to a degree but when we have to watch our language a bit too closely it becomes a huge danger to our constitutional freedoms, local identity and our laws.
Gordon Brown snuck off to Europe and actually sold our sovereignty to the EU a few years ago. It verily freaked me out.
Daniel Hannan was very gallant when addressing it. There is a priceless video of Mr.Hannan
[Gordon Brown] 'He is a devalued Prime Ministers of a devalued government'' claimed with much clever and authentic alacrity. You can judge the goodness of a man by the insults he gives, I love Dan Hannan because he loves our country, and he is also more than aware that soldiers have given their lives over and over and over again, in order for us to be able to speak out truths, lest we forget.
Wonder why David Cameron wasn't backing dear Mr. Hannan then? Hannan is a Peruvian Irish English gent who clearly values our English and British culture over almost anything else?! This is the type of person we want running our country! Someone who will make sacrifices to protect her, to prevent her from ham, ham is not the issue, I meant harm. No harm from ham is allowed.
This is our primary issue. I've seen the 'British Groups' trying to address it, but inviting over-ambitious Austrian youths with flags, has always been a mistake, let's bear that in mind.
Hannan has also been seen telling his VERY own voters, to vote UKIP.
All will be revealed.
Meantime, keep calm and love your country and her poetry, in the manner she was uniquely meant, to be loved.
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
An ugly man with a temper, a Millons B, sold our heritage, which affects British identity and our tourism industry (that is partially responsible for funding our welfare state, which currently supports 52% of the UK population (source, Government) in tax credits and work related benefits, as well as disabled and unemployed.
So, who could REALLY benefit from flogging the Queen? Scotland?
Let's look at the evidence bearing in mind that not all Scots despise the British
Which Scots have been Messing things up for the British for a long time?
Blair - check.
Brown - check.
Rifkind - check -ish
David Cameron - ish
What can we do about this?
I hope UKIP will have some answers in the new manifesto coming next month, it is going to be fun and hopefully will gives us all a lot to think about.
Meanwhile, the Kama Sutra is only good when you have high EQ. IQ alone only feeds the superficial values that harm so many people.The Paparazzi guy I had a flingette with, Jon someone, looked like Anthony Newley) was all technique, and no EQ. Couldn't wait to be shot of his white designer knickers.
Keeping things small and local is by far the best thing for the global community. When people want to own huge things and worlds, they have unmet needs, were probably left to cry for too long by parents 'doing it by the wrong book' as they learn that whining forever eventually gets them 'fed'. All that need is eventually 'worth it'. It doesn't cause good people. It causes HUGENESS and 'good psychopathy' that belongs in the army!
Love and feeding on demand is the only way to show a baby that you are a caring and good parent and that people can be trusted and loved. This is the foundation of empathy, empathy pays is learned in babyhood.
To develop empathy must be a goal for our world today and learning the difference between empathy and sympathy is very valuable, as is being able to spot the NPD. See Sam Vaknin videos and books.
'Righteous' people of all religions (not to mention jealous people - as they are very nasty 'Millon' who take delight in pretending to be nice whilst actually stabbing one deeply in the spine!) draw the line at 'otherwise good' people who happen to enjoy HEALTHY adult sex. This is because those clean and pure ones that would never throw stones in glass houses - have only had bad or too limited experience of sex themselves (which should be included as a symptom of 'Legal Abuse Syndrome' - news of which is coming soon!)
Injustice keeps this a focal point of activism across the board. Sex crimes will always need addressing as our body is all we can ever truly own and is our foundation for our very identity. It is yours alone that nobody has a right to invade in any way ever, without strict invitation only.
Laws should be protecting all of us in this regard. Keeping focus on what is crime and what is not crime can only help bring balanced and proper justice.
Adult consensual sex is fine and completely natural and normal but sex involving vulnerable beings is an act of psychopaths.
This is why it's very important for all of us, to brush up our skills on identifying the proper culprits.
They lead double lives and lie so well, that it is shocking to the core when you hear them lie to others, especially in courts of law. It's shocking that these psychopaths have been among us for so long. Tony Blair seems to be one. Apparently (according to a few reliable sources) he was involved in a sex crime and it was covered up. I suppose it was youthful shenanigans, but would we have voted him in had we known?
I expect most legals are aware of it. It's probably what is messing up some of the transparency issues we have. Along with the flawed NLP (courtesy Alistair Campbell, the other odious one) that was brought here to the UK thanks to the delightful Bandler (check out the story at Mother Jones) NLP can be useful but generally it is very dangerous as it reinforced the SICK ego, making people feel good, even if they're very nasty and without the correct skills they require.
The best thing people can do to help themselves, when suffering LAS, is see a trained CBT/Behavioural therapist and take a course. These days there are some great University courses to enjoy from MIT, to Stanford, OU, Alison etc. Give it a go, baby steps!
Equality is great for everyone to a degree but when we have to watch our language a bit too closely it becomes a huge danger to our constitutional freedoms, local identity and our laws.
Gordon Brown snuck off to Europe and actually sold our sovereignty to the EU a few years ago. It verily freaked me out.
Daniel Hannan was very gallant when addressing it. There is a priceless video of Mr.Hannan
[Gordon Brown] 'He is a devalued Prime Ministers of a devalued government'' claimed with much clever and authentic alacrity. You can judge the goodness of a man by the insults he gives, I love Dan Hannan because he loves our country, and he is also more than aware that soldiers have given their lives over and over and over again, in order for us to be able to speak out truths, lest we forget.
Wonder why David Cameron wasn't backing dear Mr. Hannan then? Hannan is a Peruvian Irish English gent who clearly values our English and British culture over almost anything else?! This is the type of person we want running our country! Someone who will make sacrifices to protect her, to prevent her from ham, ham is not the issue, I meant harm. No harm from ham is allowed.
This is our primary issue. I've seen the 'British Groups' trying to address it, but inviting over-ambitious Austrian youths with flags, has always been a mistake, let's bear that in mind.
Hannan has also been seen telling his VERY own voters, to vote UKIP.
All will be revealed.
Meantime, keep calm and love your country and her poetry, in the manner she was uniquely meant, to be loved.
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
Thursday, 21 August 2014
What does Psychopath mean? Antisocial Personality Disorder - Mental Heal...
Psychopath meanings and intent
Bullying and the Middle East + Resources (draft fio)
Pic from chief blog
Increased social workers, increased mentoring, social skills and curriculum changes proved to reduce bullying in NY (RC Vreeman, AE Carroll - Archives of Pediatrics & …, 2007)
More recent positive psychology events are looking hopeful, as long as support is properly and globally orbited (program term) and reinforced with bigger baby-steps!
Recent new models of schools reform include 'social learning' discussed here
Improvement and diversification of engineering skills, math and physics knowledge, generally helps increase the logical parts of brain function, replacing pleasurable reaction for apt activity, increasing logic by breaking things down into steps using backward chaining (that even chimps have been proved to do be able to handle - see also left-brain-right-brain why it still counts) incorporating creative writing and literature appreciation (blogging apps could help) discussions on variations of themes, possibilities of expansion and diversification (see 'Islam is based on Responsa literature') watching out for the malevolent psychopath
Some problems with Internet being free to all, is it will be exploited, sooner or later, by psychopaths (the ID is being honed but see countrywide freedoms that should be promoted in peaceful areas whilst increasing personal identity in those with low EQ, and free access to country wide ISPS, ensuring provision will comply with global justice and communication, the tenet being, no borders for access to Internet use, not free global Internet access. baby steps.
Babies are sometimes regarded as not treated very well. Empowering adults with EQ skills can only help.
Encouraging cultural pursuits to diversify by way of fragmenting cultural norms whilst maintaining routines, would benefit local areas and provide support to identity and diversify local customs and pursuits. New ideas will be tolerated better the smaller the community and the more localised, with an introduction of stricter and more detailed local by laws, travel arrangements, libraries, home-gardening kits (indoor gardening with LED lights), and entertainment, as far as culture will allow. Allowed entertainment really ought to be maximised to include items that would require the expansion of local legislation and thus reinforcing local law enforcement practitioners and offering THEM rewards as and when could help solve a lot of problem,s It would be wise to identify and assist such talent wherever possible, l. Identifying jealousy and applying values to EQ will help and The acceptable thing are Jekyll and Hyde nature hides behind perfection, false sense, Lots of narcissists excuse their cruelty/emotional abuse. Also see how to help nervous animals.
Generally you need to break down jealousies, and overuse of antioxidants as they can inflame the body causing sugar highs that are broken down with physical activity. Deescalate anger by providing steps to reduce attacks and maximise the benefits of ACT therapy. By sympathising and medicalising the trauma properly, you reinforce the understanding of the benefits of peace and tranquillity.
Understanding the arguments in Islam can help provide solutions across the board. Challenging anger, excitement and attitude rather than content, is useful. The authentic Muslim isn't an angry or an enabler unless he/she has unmet needs or resentment. Values placed on law enforcement can't be underestimated, but always watch and be vigilant for local habits and enhancements in order to assist in any way that could prove a means to peaceful processes.
Encourage, diversify, empower and promote existing identity and values through reading and writing.
A global study and view was given by psychologists fairly recently that identity reinforcement wasn't proving a success. Without the benefit of demographic appreciation incorporated into behavioural models, that would be the case.
Therefore we recommend early intervention, using locally sourced professionals to form home and school workshops where bullying is at it's worst. *ASPD are 'inherently' jealous, organised, prone to dark arts, expert liars, appear normal, like to preach, are prone to very clever mimicry and stalking and they generally don't catch social yawning!
Elizabeth Lucy aka Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
See Lucy V Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea [1997] EWHC Admin 23 (16th January, 1997)
(winner of SENDIST tribunal making legal history for having overturned the first tribunal, ordering a second and winning that via High Court as well as, first time ever, obtaining funding for a non-practising barrister (P.Bibby) It made legal history and is used for creating funds for private special needs education and legal provisions for ASD children, based on Lovaas '87 study)
Pic from chief blog
Increased social workers, increased mentoring, social skills and curriculum changes proved to reduce bullying in NY (RC Vreeman, AE Carroll - Archives of Pediatrics & …, 2007)
More recent positive psychology events are looking hopeful, as long as support is properly and globally orbited (program term) and reinforced with bigger baby-steps!
Recent new models of schools reform include 'social learning' discussed here
Improvement and diversification of engineering skills, math and physics knowledge, generally helps increase the logical parts of brain function, replacing pleasurable reaction for apt activity, increasing logic by breaking things down into steps using backward chaining (that even chimps have been proved to do be able to handle - see also left-brain-right-brain why it still counts) incorporating creative writing and literature appreciation (blogging apps could help) discussions on variations of themes, possibilities of expansion and diversification (see 'Islam is based on Responsa literature') watching out for the malevolent psychopath
Some problems with Internet being free to all, is it will be exploited, sooner or later, by psychopaths (the ID is being honed but see countrywide freedoms that should be promoted in peaceful areas whilst increasing personal identity in those with low EQ, and free access to country wide ISPS, ensuring provision will comply with global justice and communication, the tenet being, no borders for access to Internet use, not free global Internet access. baby steps.
Babies are sometimes regarded as not treated very well. Empowering adults with EQ skills can only help.
Encouraging cultural pursuits to diversify by way of fragmenting cultural norms whilst maintaining routines, would benefit local areas and provide support to identity and diversify local customs and pursuits. New ideas will be tolerated better the smaller the community and the more localised, with an introduction of stricter and more detailed local by laws, travel arrangements, libraries, home-gardening kits (indoor gardening with LED lights), and entertainment, as far as culture will allow. Allowed entertainment really ought to be maximised to include items that would require the expansion of local legislation and thus reinforcing local law enforcement practitioners and offering THEM rewards as and when could help solve a lot of problem,s It would be wise to identify and assist such talent wherever possible, l. Identifying jealousy and applying values to EQ will help and The acceptable thing are Jekyll and Hyde nature hides behind perfection, false sense, Lots of narcissists excuse their cruelty/emotional abuse. Also see how to help nervous animals.
Generally you need to break down jealousies, and overuse of antioxidants as they can inflame the body causing sugar highs that are broken down with physical activity. Deescalate anger by providing steps to reduce attacks and maximise the benefits of ACT therapy. By sympathising and medicalising the trauma properly, you reinforce the understanding of the benefits of peace and tranquillity.
Understanding the arguments in Islam can help provide solutions across the board. Challenging anger, excitement and attitude rather than content, is useful. The authentic Muslim isn't an angry or an enabler unless he/she has unmet needs or resentment. Values placed on law enforcement can't be underestimated, but always watch and be vigilant for local habits and enhancements in order to assist in any way that could prove a means to peaceful processes.
Encourage, diversify, empower and promote existing identity and values through reading and writing.
A global study and view was given by psychologists fairly recently that identity reinforcement wasn't proving a success. Without the benefit of demographic appreciation incorporated into behavioural models, that would be the case.
Therefore we recommend early intervention, using locally sourced professionals to form home and school workshops where bullying is at it's worst. *ASPD are 'inherently' jealous, organised, prone to dark arts, expert liars, appear normal, like to preach, are prone to very clever mimicry and stalking and they generally don't catch social yawning!
Elizabeth Lucy aka Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
See Lucy V Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea [1997] EWHC Admin 23 (16th January, 1997)
(winner of SENDIST tribunal making legal history for having overturned the first tribunal, ordering a second and winning that via High Court as well as, first time ever, obtaining funding for a non-practising barrister (P.Bibby) It made legal history and is used for creating funds for private special needs education and legal provisions for ASD children, based on Lovaas '87 study)
How To Control Emotions #1
Mark Tyrell writes
Once there lived an old man who kept all different kinds of animals.
But his grandson was particularly intrigued by two tigers that lived together in one cage.
The tigers had different temperaments; one was calm and self-controlled whilst the other was unpredictable, aggressive, violent, and vicious.
"Do they ever fight, Grandfather?" asked the young boy.
"Occasionally, yes they do," admitted the old man.
"And which one wins?"
"Well, that depends on which one I feed the most." Read more
Emergency Depression Therapy
Have you learned to read music yet? Have you conducted? Have you explored Croatia and her national parks? Do you really know the Caño Cristales River? Have you lived during Spring, in Provence? Have you a gallery? A website? A portfolio of your work? Where can we read your poetry? If none of this advice appeals, have you added the correct Microflora?
Have you spent the day in a Bluebell wood and made your own wine recently?
Do you have pet? Can you plan to have a pet? NO? >
If you seriously can't pull yourself out of a stew or a pickle, eat some or call (24/7 ANYTIME)
1-800-273-TALK (8255) USA
08457 90 90 90 UK Samaritans
EMAIL Jo@samaritans.org
For a range of European Helplines see Crisis Centres Europen
And then there's
Therapy Pets
By Kerry HudsonWe are all familiar with guide dogs, the way they help their owner overcome physical disability is breathtaking, but did you know there is now an acknowledged need for therapy dogs? A therapy dog’s role is to help reduce anxieties and build confidence whilst providing companionship for an owner who is experiencing mental illness or distress. Read More
Recommended Reading
Psychiatric diagnoses are not mental processes: Wittgenstein on conceptual confusion.
Empirical explanation and treatment repeatedly fail for psychiatric diagnoses. Diagnosis is mired in conceptual confusion that is illuminated by Ludwig Wittgenstein's later critique of philosophy (Philosophical Investigations). This paper examines conceptual confusions in the foundation of psychiatric diagnosis from some of Wittgenstein's important critical viewpoints. READ MOREWhy Do We have Wars, War, Gays, Abuse and Trauma - One Word - Millon
Calling All Control Freaks!
I was on the radio talking to LBC's Nick Ferrari yesterday, he asked me what agoraphobia is in a word - I said 'trauma' - I should have said 'Millons' but nobody would've understood that.
There are those who have Millon and those who do not. Millons have been the cause of wars since daddies and mummies were missed too much. Emotionally distanced parents, or overly critical family members cause life time illness. They don't understand why, as they don't have the same perceptions of sensitivities, so they resort to criticism, that often kills vulnerable youngsters. Suicide doesn't have to happen.
Gayness is one example of Millon parenting, it also causes a deep shame that often cannot be fixed without a brand new life. Millons victims, gay or straight, are longing for a parent and identity incarnate. A god figure, or a mirror image that creates them as 'a god/goddess'. Anything less, leaves (wrongly or rightly!) an 'unattractive/ugly Millons in a state of Anhedonial withdrawal. This is why it's important to get your balance right and address the issues about the unique YOU in order for you to be able to share all you want to with this beautiful wonderful world, her unique and gorgeous inhabitants and to live the life you were meant to. When Millons is accompanied with SPD - you have a war. When it's a schizotypal subtype, you have wars or solutions to them. The quick way around it all - is address the shaming suffered from the child abuse cause. This is why Social Workers need to take children (still no excuse for secret courts) It can also be a symptom of traumatic experience.
Heal shaming and trauma exposure with adaptive and creative skills focused on building self-awareness with positive shaping rather than deconstruction. Keep people motivated to continue with token economy, art and history skills to assist in positive identity formation. Use telephone and email support, utilise online chat and apps. Help monitor chat rooms where bullying is still rife. Challenge a Millon on his/her attitude rather than condemning, if you do, you find a respectful friend willing to take a look at what you have to say.
I was on the radio talking to LBC's Nick Ferrari yesterday, he asked me what agoraphobia is in a word - I said 'trauma' - I should have said 'Millons' but nobody would've understood that.
There are those who have Millon and those who do not. Millons have been the cause of wars since daddies and mummies were missed too much. Emotionally distanced parents, or overly critical family members cause life time illness. They don't understand why, as they don't have the same perceptions of sensitivities, so they resort to criticism, that often kills vulnerable youngsters. Suicide doesn't have to happen.
Gayness is one example of Millon parenting, it also causes a deep shame that often cannot be fixed without a brand new life. Millons victims, gay or straight, are longing for a parent and identity incarnate. A god figure, or a mirror image that creates them as 'a god/goddess'. Anything less, leaves (wrongly or rightly!) an 'unattractive/ugly Millons in a state of Anhedonial withdrawal. This is why it's important to get your balance right and address the issues about the unique YOU in order for you to be able to share all you want to with this beautiful wonderful world, her unique and gorgeous inhabitants and to live the life you were meant to. When Millons is accompanied with SPD - you have a war. When it's a schizotypal subtype, you have wars or solutions to them. The quick way around it all - is address the shaming suffered from the child abuse cause. This is why Social Workers need to take children (still no excuse for secret courts) It can also be a symptom of traumatic experience.
Heal shaming and trauma exposure with adaptive and creative skills focused on building self-awareness with positive shaping rather than deconstruction. Keep people motivated to continue with token economy, art and history skills to assist in positive identity formation. Use telephone and email support, utilise online chat and apps. Help monitor chat rooms where bullying is still rife. Challenge a Millon on his/her attitude rather than condemning, if you do, you find a respectful friend willing to take a look at what you have to say.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Love and Animals - How an NPD treats pets and 'underlings'
Love isn't suppressing or suffocating. Affection isn't real (rather hormonal pleasure-reaction addiction) if it's objectified and not respected.
Due to NPD's not having the ability to demonstrate a natural and obvious proclivity for empathy and respect for the individual (as well as actively promoting his/her liberty and/personal growth) sometimes accompanied with the deep need to sustain the 'Maddona-whore' scenario (due to 'cold hard'/NPD parenting) as he/she is dependent on the 'owned object' for N.supply.
Sam Vaknin writes ''The narcissist uses his cold empathy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1MkZb...) to elicit narcissistic supply. He robotically imitates warm, emotional empathy in order to get his interlocutor to participate in interactions which, as far as the narcissist is concerned, constitute narcissistic supply.''
Diversity and diversification can assist in changing bad habits.
YES WE DO! How's this for genius innovation?
We truly love and adore Airbus for this - fabulous, intricate innovation and ideas
How Does Your Microflora Effect Your Performance?
Carl Zimmer writes: ''Your body is home to about 100 trillion bacteria and other microbes, collectively known as your microbiome.''
Our Favourite Character Building Game
Tales of Maj’Eyal (ToME) is a free, open source roguelike
RPG, featuring tactical turn-based combat and advanced character
building. Play as one of many unique races and classes in the
lore-filled world of Eyal, exploring random dungeons, facing challenging
battles, and developing characters with your own tailored mix of
abilities and powers. With a modern graphical and customisable
interface, intuitive mouse control, streamlined mechanics and deep,
challenging combat, Tales of Maj’Eyal offers engaging roguelike gameplay
for the 21st century.
The continent of Maj’Eyal lives in a relative peace. Read more (just think of all the world's local gods we don't know much about!)
The continent of Maj’Eyal lives in a relative peace. Read more (just think of all the world's local gods we don't know much about!)
British Psychology, Older People Benefits and Why We Need Out of the EU
You are more than your sum of experience.The bigger pictures expand and evolve with inclusion of a healthy, constructive and critical view. Older people have the benefit of not just experience of a variety of life-changing events and situations, but they are intuitive, less needy, less need to feed ego, with more desire to achieve balance and harmony as a goal. The identity of older people, can only serve to illuminate and help evolve any given work placement involving the evolution of problem solving, mature, gratitude-focused attitude, and much less 'do now pay later' attitudes that have come about due to the multitude of flawed NLP and coaching that has served the west since the 90's. Bigging up the ego of sick kids is reinforcing the illness, not changing it.
Nurture is what's needed, encouragement and honing of natural talent, feels cosy to all, and is demonstrably helpful. This comes about, in the whole, from 'Talent- Enhancement' something I'm working on. It includes encouraging a broad understanding of personal dynamics and the benefits of local identity, that I learned a bit about in a University module 'Identity and Gender'. Respecting the global community and their mental health, must seek to acknowledge and encourage the happier tribal benefits, customs and tradition. Tourism can only benefit. Health too, with less dependence of negative services. Mental Health services generally sustain rather than evolve. This view has multiple benefits for almost every trade. Development of EQ is well under way and the balance we all seek isn't unattainable with the correct approaches. Some active British voters are still swinging between Labour, UKIP and Conservatives, not least due to their global obsession with the building of more houses, when we seek to preserve our country and all it's benefits. Knocking down our wonderful landmarks, like my wonderful Earl's Court Exhibition Centre (see below) can only do harm. Building space is prized by the greedy, NPD face of ruthless profiteers. Boris Johnson supports them. Sadly. The source of the problem is facing you, with UKIP and the rise of the right, which many are now feeling is the only way forward.
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard Sign our petition here
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